Somewhere There’s an Imperfect Mom Just Like You

Somewhere there’s a mom just like you.

A mom is stressed out with the list of invisible and visible tasks to be done too.

A mom is stumbling out of her warm bed late for school drop-off because she was up until 2 am with terrible anxiety too.

A mom tries to squeeze her entire adult life into a couple of hours between the kids' bedtime and when her head hits the pillow and eye-lids close. And she’s stressed thinking about how she’ll get everything done in that small window of time too.

A mom is making her fourth dinner because her kids rejected the first two, and then the baby knocked the third one over onto the floor. She’s about to lose her patience and snap too.

There’s a mom out there just like you. Photo by Anthony Tran,

A mom is struggling with mental illness and can’t seem to motivate out of pajamas too.

There’s a mom agitated with her kids' bad behavior to the point where she feels like a terrible mom too.

There’s a mom who burnt breakfast and had to give her kids mini muffins on the go to get them out the door on time too.

There are moms everywhere doing everything and not like they’re supposed to,
but how they do every day to survive as humans.

It’s the real side of motherhood,
and we’re all living it.

And what comfort to know somewhere there’s a mom just like you, going through the same things.

Sometimes that solidarity, that reminder that we’re human and not alone,
is all we need.

Danielle Sherman-Lazar

Danielle Sherman-Lazar is a mental health advocate and mother to three daughters. She has been published on numerous websites including: InspireMore, Scary Mommy, Bluntmoms, The Mighty, ellenNation, Project Heal, Love What Matters,, Beating Eating Disorders, Her View From Home, Motherly, Recovery Warriors, and

Maternal Mental Health: You Are Not Alone in Your Struggle


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